My book proofreading service checks the final proof of your book before it heads off to the printer or before you launch it online.

None of us are perfect. Errors creep into final versions and are easily missed when you are too close to the content.

Proofreading is the final stage of the editorial process, where I work on your proof before final printing.

This step is often skipped over by self-published authors, who are understandably trying to publish their book as economically as possible. However, errors in your book will lead to unhappy readers and poor reviews.

As a writer myself, I understand the need to find a trustworthy, dependable proofreader, someone who will give your work the same level of care and attention that you have given it.

I proofread the following content:

  • novels, short stories and children’s books
  • nonfiction books across a variety of genres
  • web content

🇫🇷 I specialise in books set in France due to my French degree from the University of Oxford and my experience living and working in France.

What you get

I offer an affordable service that checks for:

  • errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation
  • inconsistencies in the text
  • layout issues (eg. elements misaligned)
  • formatting issues (inconsistency of headings, fonts and more)
  • errors on the front and back covers

I will also provide you with:

  • a bespoke style sheet, showing details of editorial decisions made and language styles used. This is useful to ensure consistency now and in the future, and is something you can use as a basis for a style guide. For fiction edits, the style sheet also includes detailed lists of characters, locations and a timeline of events.
  • a short editorial report outlining observations I’ve made while proofreading your book
  • regular progress updates and unlimited email support during the project

🌳 For every 20,000 words I proofread, I will donate to Just One Tree to plant a tree. So, if your book is 100,000 words, that’s five new trees in the world! Find out more about how I’m a sustainable editor.

Delivery of proofreading results

This depends on the format of the book you provide. PDF is the easiest format to add comments and mark where text is to be inserted, deleted etc. If the format you provide has more limited editing capability, I can provide notes and suggestions in a separate document, clearly denoting which pages the comments refer to.

Depending on the length of your book, this service will take two to three weeks.

Take a look at my portfolio of my favourite book projects.

What my clients say

Pricing for proofreading

My average hourly rate adheres to industry standards as advised by the Certified Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP), of which I am a Professional Member. The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) has also confirmed that my rates are appropriate to my service level, reach and reputation.

As you can see, my prices are highly competitive and depend on elements such as the length and complexity of your book, and how many changes are needed.

You can get a very rough idea from the figures below, but every book is different. (I accept all major currencies and will use the official exchange rate on at the time of sending your quote.)

Please get in touch to discuss your needs.

Indicative prices for fiction proofreading

Number of wordsCost
50,000 words£700 (£0.014 per word)
70,000 words£950 (£0.0135 per word)
90,000 words£1,180 (£0.013 per word)

Indicative prices for nonfiction proofreading

Number of wordsCost
30,000 words£470 (£0.0155 per word)
50,000 words£750 (£0.015 per word)
70,000 words£1,020 (£0.014 per word)
Nonfiction proofreading is usually more involved than fiction editing due to elements such as references, footnotes, tables, diagrams, complex ideas, technical details and more.

Save 10% off your next edit

I offer a referral scheme, by which you and a fellow author or business can enjoy 10% off your next edit! Simply refer a potential client to me, and if they hire me for a full edit or proofread, they will get 10% off their first edit. What's more, you will also get 10% off your next edit or proofread. Everyone's a winner!

Sample proofread

I can provide a sample edit so that you can 'try before you buy'. If you are comparing my work with that of other editors (very sensible approach!), please send us the same sample so that you can accurately compare services.

Simply provide a sample of up to 2,500 words, and for £60, I'll provide a proofread and a short editorial report containing advice that you can apply to your whole book.

If you then hire me for a full edit, I will deduct the cost of the sample edit from the total amount.


Contact me today to discuss your requirements.

Please read my contract of services for full details of what to expect regarding service, payment and contractual arrangements.