I’m a mystery author, book editor and proofreader of fiction, nonfiction and web content, based in the UK.

Debbie Emmitt, UK book editor and proofreader

I was born in the mid-1970s in south-east England, the same year that Chris Evert and Jimmy Connors won the Wimbledon singles titles, UK house prices averaged less than £10,000 and Stephen King published his debut novel, Carrie. Many moons ago.

Slightly fewer moons ago, at school I developed a passion for creative writing and the English language, but moved away from my mother tongue at university, choosing to study French and Portuguese at Oxford.

Books have always been an important part of my life, but as a reader, not a writer. It took me until my early 40s to realise I might just be able to make a go of this writing thing.

I love everything to do with language, from vocab and pronunciation of languages other than my own to the quirky ways of English grammar, spelling and punctuation.

I live in South Wales with my partner and two children.

Inspiration for my first novel

My time spent working in the south of France at the age of 19 was the inspiration for the setting of my first novel, Return to the Auberge, which although entirely fictional, draws heavily on sights, sounds and smells of the region.

Editing and proofreading

Bottom of the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

I’m a trained editor and proofreader with many years of experience editing fiction, nonfiction and web content. I’m also a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and a partner member of the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) – affiliate link.

I’m passionate about working with first-time authors, and clients seem to appreciate my kind, friendly, expert approach. I have edited many books attracting healthy numbers of five-star reviews on Amazon and other platforms (see my portfolio).

If your novel, memoir or nonfiction manuscript is set in France (whether partly or wholly), you’ll receive extra benefits from my editing service, as I have a longstanding connection with France and the French language.

Find out more about the specialist arm to my editing business for books set in France.

Find out today how I can help you:

My training and qualifications

  • MA in French and Portuguese, University of Oxford
  • Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) courses and tests:
    • Copyediting 1: Introduction
    • Copyediting 2: Headway
    • Copyediting 3: Progress
    • Basic editorial test
  • Louise Harnby’s course Switching to Fiction